Saturday, June 18, 2011

Greece May End Grave Rental as Cremation Ban Lifted (Update1) - Bloomberg

Greece May End Grave Rental as Cremation Ban Lifted (Update1) - Bloomberg

Poem: Outwitted

Poem: Outwitted: "Outwitted

by Edwin Markham
He drew a circle that shut me out —
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But Love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle that took him in!"

Honey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Honey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

YouTube - Ramona Falls - I Say Fever

YouTube - Ramona Falls - I Say Fever

YouTube - I Guess You'll Do

YouTube - I Guess You'll Do

Multilingual list of edible plants used in Indian cuisine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Multilingual list of edible plants used in Indian cuisine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Garden Medicinals and Culinaries -Mineral, VA.

Garden Medicinals and Culinaries - Herb seeds and plants, ethnic flowers, heirloom vegetable varieties, and medicinal trees and shrubs. Untreated open-pollinated seeds, many grown by natural methods, and some certified organic.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Blackberries with white drupes

White spots on blackberry fruit may be cause by excessive rain early in the season, as well as stink bug damage.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Perennial Onions : Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, Saving the Past for the Future

Perennial Onions : Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, Saving the Past for the Future

Perennial onions ship in the fall: September - November. We ship to northern-most areas first. Shipping surcharges apply - $2 for one item, $4 total for any two or more fall shipped items (including garlic and woodland medicinals).

Culture: Multiplier onions are hardy, productive perennials. According to the National Gardening Bureau, multiplier onions can produce a larger yield per area than any other vegetable except staked tomatoes. Multiplier onions produce a cluster of bulbs at ground level from a single planted bulb. The larger bulbs are saved for eating, and the medium and small bulbs are stored and replanted. Both potato onions and shallots can be grown in pots for forcing green onions during the winter. Multiplier onions exist in two horticultural forms: potato onions and shallots. Shallots may be distinguished from potato onions by the shape and division pattern of the bulbs. Shallots vary in their ability to produce seed, but potato onions rarely produce seed. There are several advantages of growing multiplier onions: (1) They are not as readily bothered by the onion fly as are seed onions. (2) Once you have enough potato onions or shallots you need not buy seeds or sets again. (3) Some types of multiplier onions are in demand as gourmet items in restaurants. (4) Potato onions and many shallots store well, and can withstand subfreezing temperatures in every area of the continental U.S. when properly planted.

Multiplier Onions Starter Package: Multiplier onions are sold by weight rather than bulb count. Bulb size varies according to crop conditions and bulbs are usually supplied as mixed sizes. Your starter package includes a free 4-page growing guide which covers perennial onions and garlic.

Shallots: Shallots are planted and harvested in essentially the same manner as potato onions. They have a delicate, mild flavor and some varieties are especially valued in gourmet cooking. Our shallots are widely adapted and do not require special day lengths to yield well. Note: Shallots are shipped only in September and October.

The Gardener's Rake » Growing Strawberries indoors, A Gardening Adventure

The Gardener's Rake » Growing Strawberries indoors, A Gardening Adventure
Grow strawberries in the winter in a hanging basket in a window with good light.

Ways to use Hydrogen Peroxide in the Garden

Ways to use Hydrogen Peroxide in the Garden
Powdery Mildew
Rooting Induction
Seed Sprouting