Sunday, August 28, 2011

Black locust uses

Black locust uses:

Temperate Climate Permaculture: Permaculture Projects: Hugelkultur

Temperate Climate Permaculture: Permaculture Projects: Hugelkultur:

Homemade Tomato Paste:

Rappahannock Cook & Kitchen Gardener » San Marzano and Homemade Tomato Paste:

Asian Vegetable List

Asian Vegetable List:

Evergreen seeds

OK Brand Max 50-10 Cattle Fence Panel 1050-8 4ga 16' - Southern States

OK Brand Max 50-10 Cattle Fence Panel 1050-8 4ga 16' - Southern States:


Center for New Crops and Plants Products


'via Blog this'

Control of Codling Moth in Apple by Use of Pheromone Dispensers

Control of Codling Moth in Apple by Use of Pheromone Dispensers:

Codling moth: timing sprays in organic orchards

Codling moth: timing sprays in organic orchards:

FAO:Crop calendar

Crop calendar:
The Crop Calendar provides information about sowing and planting seasons and agronomic practices of the crops grown by farmers in a particular agro-ecological zone. It is a tool developed to assist farmers, extension workers, civil society and the private sector to be able to access and make available quality seeds of specific crop varieties for a particular agro-ecological zone at the appropriate sowing/planting season. It can be used by development-aid workers in the planning and implementation of seed relief and rehabilitation activities following natural or human-led disasters. Furthermore, the Crop Calendar can serve as a quick reference tool in selecting crop varieties to adapt to changing weather patterns accelerated by climate change.

The Crop Calendar database is being maintained at a regional level and is based on inputs from member countries. The Crop Calendar database currently covers 43 African countries and contains information on more than 130 crops, located in 283 agro-ecological zones.

World Crops Spanish - English Glossary

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

WinterSown.Org ~ The Authoritative Site for Winter Sowing Information.

WinterSown.Org ~ The Authoritative Site for Winter Sowing Information.

Extending the Asparagus harvest

The Farmer Fred Rant: Fresh Garden Asparagus in September? Here's How

Rat’s Tail Radish, Podding-heirloom - untreated - sustainable - vegetable seeds - Bountiful Gardens

Rat’s Tail Radish, Podding-heirloom - untreated - sustainable - vegetable seeds - Bountiful Gardens
Rat’s Tail Radish, Podding
Inedible root, grown for the long seed pods.

Pressing Acorns into Oil | Sierra Living Skills

Pressing Acorns into Oil | Sierra Living Skills

Safe Seed Resource List - Non GMO

Safe Seed Resource List

Garden Medicinals and Culinaries - Herb seeds and plants, ethnic flowers, heirloom vegetable varieties, and medicinal trees and shrubs. Untreated open-pollinated seeds, many grown by natural methods, and some certified organic.

Garden Medicinals and Culinaries - Herb seeds and plants, ethnic flowers, heirloom vegetable varieties, and medicinal trees and shrubs. Untreated open-pollinated seeds, many grown by natural methods, and some certified organic.

9. Salvia Divinorum : Gold of Sunshine, Herbs, Crystals and More

9. Salvia Divinorum : Gold of Sunshine, Herbs, Crystals and More

Certified Naturally Grown

Grass roots alternative to Certified Organic

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Dynamic Accummulator Weeds

Dynamic Accummulator Weeds

Beans on a Cattle Panel Arch Trellis

Gardening along the creek...: Beans on a Cattle Panel Arch Trellis

Solar path 24016

Commercial Timbers - Contents

Commercial Timbers - Contents

Tropical/Subtropical Fruits


Randia formosa - Fragrance and fresh Blackberry Jam - rare plants for home and garden

Manufactured Landscapes - YouTube

Manufactured Landscapes - YouTube

Silvics Manual Volume 1-Conifers and Volume 2-Hardwoods

Silvics Manual Volume 1-Conifers and Volume 2-Hardwoods

Holboellia latifolia PFAF Plant Database

Holboellia latifolia PFAF Plant Database

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Rubus nepalensis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rubus nepalensis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nettle fiber

Grasping the nettle: The Hempire - [cannabis, uk]

Tomato grafting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tomato grafting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Popping Whole Grains for a Delicious, Nutritious Snack

Popping Whole Grains for a Delicious, Nutritious Snack
Popped Amaranth, orphanjones

Celosia (cockscomb) - Abundant and edible flowers - Survivalist Forum

Celosia (cockscomb) - Abundant and edible flowers - Survivalist Forum

Growing Amaranth and Quinoa

Growing Amaranth and Quinoa

Cassabanana - Melocoton (Sicana odorifera)

Cassabanana - Melocoton


The sicana odorifera or cassabanana is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family. Brazil native, and cultivated in parts of Central and South America. Sicana is a perennial vine, herbaceous and fast growing. This plant is heavy, requiring a strong trellis. It can climb trees up to 50 ft (15 m) high or more by means of 4-parted tendrils equipped with adhesive discs that can adhere tightly to the smoothest surface.

Renowned for its strong, sweet, agreeable, melon-like odor, the striking fruit is ellipsoid or nearly cylindrical, sometimes slightly curved. It is 12 to 24 in (30-60 cm) in length, and 2 3/4 to 4 1/2in (7-11.25 cm) wide, thick, and hard-shelled. The fruits can be orange-red, maroon, dark-purple with tinges of violet, or jet-black. The skin is smooth and glossy when ripe, with firm, orange-yellow or yellow, cantaloupe-like, juicy flesh, 3/4 in (2 cm) thick.

In the central cavity, there is softer pulp, a soft, fleshy core, and numerous flat, oval seeds, 5/8 in (16 mm) long and 1/4 in (6 mm) wide, light-brown bordered with a dark-brown stripe, in tightly-packed rows extending the entire length of the fruit. Can be eaten raw, or use for jam and preserves. The immature fruit is often cooked and served in soups and stews. Ripened fruits are also be used as a centerpiece, to perfume an entire room with a wonderful, fresh, melon fragrance. The cassabanana remains in good condition for several months if kept dry and out of the sun.

The young stems are hairy. The leaves are gray-hairy, rounded-cordate(heart-shaped) or rounded kidney-shaped, up to 1 ft (30 cm) wide, deeply indented at the base, 3-lobed, with wavy or toothed margins, on petioles 1 1/2 to 4 3/4 in (4-12 cm) long, with leaves as much as a foot across.Sicana tree produces bright yellow, fragrant blooms. The flowers are white or yellow, urn-shaped, 5-lobed, solitary, the male 3/4 in (2 cm) long, the female about 2 in (5 cm) long.

Additional Information

germinationFirst, you need to soak the seeds in tepid water for 24 hours. Then sow them in a mixture made up with 50% of horticultural compost, and 50% sand or pearlite. Place the mix in the sun. Do not water too much. The best period for sowing is March/May. Germination takes anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks.