Monday, July 15, 2013

Chemistry of Cast Iron Seasoning: A Science-Based How-To

Chemistry of Cast Iron Seasoning: A Science-Based How-To:
Heat cast iron to 200 degrees.  Flaxseed oil, wipe on, wipe off, very, very thin film.  Place in cold oven heat to 500, after temp reached bake for 1 hour, let cool in oven for 2 hours.  6 coats needed.

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Monday, May 13, 2013

A Better Way to Fertilize Your Garden: Homemade Organic Fertilizer - Organic Gardening - MOTHER EARTH NEWS

A Better Way to Fertilize Your Garden: Homemade Organic Fertilizer - Organic Gardening - MOTHER EARTH NEWS:
Nice overview of organic fertilizer and fertility needs of a list of vegetables

Mix uniformly, in parts by volume: 4 parts seed meal
1/3 part ordinary agricultural lime, best finely ground
1/3 part gypsum (or double the agricultural lime)
1/3 part dolomitic lime 

Plus, for best results:
1 part bone meal, rock phosphate or high-phosphate guano
1/2 to 1 part kelp meal (or 1 part basalt dust)
1/2 level kitchen measuring teaspoonful (carefully measured) of ordinary washing borax per each four quarts of seedmeal.**
**Overdoses of boron can poison soil. The acceptable range for boron is not very wide. Too little and you get hollow hearts and brown centers on brassicas and potatoes. Too much and everything is stunted or dies. Measure carefully! Blend this material carefully and thoroughly into your COF before spreading it. If this precision seems daunting just don't bother.  

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Turtle Tree Seed

Turtle Tree Seed:
open pollinated seed
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Friday, May 10, 2013

Staphylea trifolia American Bladder Nut PFAF Plant Database

Staphylea trifolia American Bladder Nut PFAF Plant Database:
Seed - raw or cooked[161, 177]. They are eaten like pistachios[2]. The seed can be used in place of walnuts (Juglans spp) in making chocolate-chip cookies[183]. A sweet edible oil is obtained from the seed[2]. It is used for cooking purposes[183
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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Welcome to Colonial Creek Farm - Herb, Scented Geranium, and Heirloom Plants

Welcome to Colonial Creek Farm - Herb, Scented Geranium, and Heirloom Plants:

'via Blog this'Good reputation selling on Ebay.

Earth Tones Native Plant Nursery

Nice selection out of CT.

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Rose Grass (Palmarosa)

Rose Grass (Palmarosa):
Rose scented grass from India. Palmarosa oil is commercially harvested for use in perfumes, soaps, and other cosmetics. When the grass is crushed it has a very pleasant rose scent similar to rose geranium, and is sometimes called "rose geranium grass". Dried grass makes a very good addition to potpourri and other scented creations. Tropical perennial zones 11+. Can be container grown and overwintered indoors with good light.
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Friday, April 26, 2013

Climbing Okra

Climbing Okra:
The climbing okra (Luffa acutangula) offers a double bounty of bright, fragrant flowers and delicious fruit, but it isnt really an okra at all. In fact, its kin to the common cucumber.

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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Shiitake Cultivation

Center for agroforestry University of Missouri
Good info

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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Silver Saints - London Handyman Service: Draught Proofing Sash Windows

Silver Saints - London Handyman Service: Draught Proofing Sash Windows:

About The Service

We are best described as a team of reliable handymen who travel around London on motorcycles undertaking basic plumbing, simple electrics, fixing, fitting, assembling and hanging jobs.

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