Saturday, July 21, 2012

Cove Rock Farm Life: Toothache Plant (Spilanthes acmella) UPDATED PICS!

Cove Rock Farm Life: Toothache Plant (Spilanthes acmella) UPDATED PICS!:
A mouth rinse of spilanthes extract can be used daily to promote gum health, and chewing as little as a single bud of the plant can numb the mouth and reduce the pain of toothache for up to 20 minutes depending on the sensitivity of the person. The most promising research into the use of spilanthes, though, is in its antibacterial properties. So far, in vitro testing has shown that the plant's extract has strong effect against E.colipseudomonassalmonellaklebsiella pneumonae and staphylococcus albus.

Loosely fill a glass jar (I am tincturing a pint of spilanthes but do use quarts sometimes for tinctures, especially yarrow) with "arial", or above-ground Spilanthes plant material (leaves, stems, blooms) and cover with 100 proof vodka. Cap and label, then wait six weeks. Strain (or don't, it's up to you), and your tincture is ready for use! Besides being a famous toothache remedy, Spilanthes tincture enhances immune system function and is anti-fungal, anti-bacterial & is used to treat candida.
'via Blog this'

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